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Michael Oliver – How to ‘Sell’ The Way People Buy!

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $17.00.

Download Michael Oliver – How to ‘Sell’ The Way People Buy! (156.0 MB) in Mega Drive, Whether you’re a seasoned sales professional or just starting, this course promises to revolutionize the way you think about sales. In a world inundated with sales pitches, stand out by offering genuine, value-driven conversations. With Michael Oliver’s “How to Sell The Way People Buy!,” you’re not just learning to sell; you’re learning to connect, understand, and offer real solutions.


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Michael Oliver - How to ‘Sell’ The Way People Buy!

Michael Oliver – How to ‘Sell’ The Way People Buy!

Michael Oliver – How to Sell The Way People Buy

In the fast-paced and competitive world of sales, understanding your customers is the key to success. Michael Oliver’s comprehensive course, “How to Sell The Way People Buy,” transcends the traditional sales approach. It’s not just a course; it’s a transformative guide designed to align your sales strategy with the inherent buying instincts of your clientele.

Course Overview

Introduction & Welcome: Set the stage by understanding the core philosophy and transformative approach that define the course.

The Sales Paradox: Explore the truth behind why people often dislike being sold to and learn effective strategies to navigate this common challenge.

7 Success Tips: Equip yourself with essential tips that form the foundation for a successful sales journey.

Lesson 1: 9 Essential Basic Sales Skills

Master the Basics: Grasp the fundamental sales skills that lay the groundwork for a successful sales strategy.

Three Primary Objectives: Understand the core objectives steering every sales conversation.

Problem Identification: Learn to pinpoint the precise issues your potential clients are facing.

Desire & Commitment: Gauge the level of desire and commitment of your prospects to effect a change.

Lesson 2: Natural Selling Conversational Dialogue Framework

The Framework: Familiarize yourself with the Natural Selling Conversational Dialogue Framework, the heart of the course.

Addressing Concerns: Tackle potential objections or concerns right at the outset.

Please focus on the Customer: Shift the spotlight from your product to your customer, comprehending their needs and desires.

Lesson 3: The Connecting Stage

SMART Pre-Planning: Prepare effectively for every sales conversation.

Initiating Dialogues: Discover 10 tension-free ways to kickstart your sales conversations.

First Impressions Matter: Learn the art of making a lasting impact right from the first “Hello!”

Value Impact Statement: Craft a compelling statement that showcases your value proposition.

Problem & Solution Outlining: Clearly define the problem and present your solution in a way that resonates.

Lesson 4: The Discovering Stage

A Fluid Approach: Understand that sales is not a linear journey; it’s about adapting and evolving.

Consistent Strategy: While the journey may vary, the approach remains consistent.

Questioning Techniques: Master the art of using closed and open-ended questions to gather insights.

Lesson 5: The Discovering Stage Continued

Deep Dive Questions: Explore a range of questions designed to uncover the deepest needs and desires of your prospects.

Background & Needs Awareness: Understand the history and current needs of your clients.

Financial Advisor Example: A practical example to showcase the application of the techniques.

Needs Development: Delve deeper into the requirements of your prospects and align your offerings accordingly.

Values-Centered Approach: Ensure that your sales approach is always aligned with the core values of your prospects.

Why Choose How to Sell The Way People Buy!?

Michael Oliver’s course transcends traditional sales training; it’s a philosophy. Focusing on understanding the natural buying instincts of customers, it offers a fresh, genuine, and effective approach to sales.

Whether you’re a seasoned sales professional or just starting, this course promises to revolutionize the way you think about sales. In a world inundated with sales pitches, stand out by offering genuine, value-driven conversations. With Michael Oliver’s “How to Sell The Way People Buy!,” you’re not just learning to sell; you’re learning to connect, understand, and offer real solutions.

Embrace the future of sales. Enroll today and redefine your sales journey with the power of Natural Selling Conversational Dialogue.

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