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Cole Gordon – 8 Figure Boardroom Mastermind

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Benjamin Dennehy – Telephone Prospecting Bootcamp Recorded Course 2023
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Melanie Ann Layer – The Impact Academy

Original price was: $1,997.00.Current price is: $24.00.

Download Melanie Ann Layer – The Impact Academy (1.38 GB) in Mega Drive, Melanie Ann Layer’s Impact Academy offers a thorough and transformative program for coaches, entrepreneurs, and leaders aiming to make a significant impact. With its focus on personal development, business growth, and leadership skills, the course provides invaluable resources and support for achieving success. For those committed to elevating their personal and professional lives, the Impact Academy stands out as a powerful and worthwhile investment.

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Melanie Ann Layer - The Impact Academy

Melanie Ann Layer – The Impact Academy: A Comprehensive Guide to Transformational Coaching


Melanie Ann Layer’s Impact Academy is a highly-regarded course designed for coaches, entrepreneurs, and leaders aiming to create profound impacts in their fields. The course focuses on personal development, business growth, and leadership skills, providing participants with the tools and strategies to excel in their endeavors.


Melanie Ann Layer - The Impact Academy

Course Overview

The Impact Academy offers a structured program comprising various modules that address key aspects of coaching and business growth. The program includes:

  • Interactive video lessons
  • Downloadable resources and workbooks
  • Live coaching calls
  • Access to a supportive online community

Key Features

Personal Development

  • Mindset Mastery: Techniques to develop a growth mindset and overcome limiting beliefs.
  • Self-Discovery: Exercises and tools to help participants discover their true potential and purpose.
  • Confidence Building: Strategies for building self-confidence and maintaining a positive outlook.

Business Growth

  • Brand Development: Guidance on creating and refining a personal brand that resonates with the target audience.
  • Marketing Strategies: Innovative marketing techniques to attract and retain clients.
  • Sales Mastery: Skills for effective selling and converting prospects into clients.

Leadership and Influence

  • Leadership Skills: Training on essential leadership qualities and how to inspire and lead a team.
  • Influence Techniques: Methods for increasing influence and establishing authority in your niche.
  • Communication Skills: Best practices for effective communication and building strong relationships.

Client Attraction and Retention

  • Ideal Client Identification: Techniques to identify and attract ideal clients.
  • Client Retention: Strategies to maintain long-term relationships with clients and ensure repeat business.
  • Service Excellence: Emphasis on providing exceptional service to exceed client expectations.

Financial Mastery

  • Pricing Strategies: Insights on setting competitive prices for services and products.
  • Revenue Streams: Ideas for creating multiple revenue streams to ensure financial stability and growth.
  • Financial Planning: Techniques for budgeting, financial forecasting, and managing business finances.

Additional Resources

Supportive Community

  • Online Community: Access to a private online community where participants can network, share experiences, and support each other.
  • Peer Support: Opportunities to collaborate and learn from like-minded individuals.

Live Coaching Calls

  • Group Coaching: Regular live group coaching calls with Melanie Ann Layer, offering personalized guidance and support.
  • Q&A Sessions: Interactive Q&A sessions to address specific questions and challenges faced by participants.

Practical Tools and Templates

  • Workbooks: Comprehensive workbooks that accompany each module, providing exercises and activities to reinforce learning.
  • Templates: Ready-to-use templates for business planning, marketing, and client management.

Lifetime Access

  • Ongoing Access: Lifetime access to course materials, including any future updates and additions.
  • Resource Library: A library of additional resources, including past coaching call recordings, bonus materials, and exclusive content.

Success Stories

Real-Life Testimonials

  • Transformational Impact: Testimonials from participants who have achieved significant personal and professional growth through the Impact Academy.
  • Business Growth: Examples of entrepreneurs who have expanded their businesses and increased their income using the strategies learned in the course.

Case Studies

  • Detailed Case Studies: In-depth case studies highlighting the journeys of successful individuals who have implemented the teachings of the Impact Academy.

Pros and Cons


  • Comprehensive Content: Covers a wide range of topics essential for personal and business growth.
  • Supportive Environment: Access to a community of peers and regular coaching calls for ongoing support.
  • Lifetime Access: Continuous access to course materials and updates.


  • Time Investment: Requires a significant time commitment to fully engage with the course materials and activities.
  • Initial Cost: Higher upfront cost compared to some other coaching programs, though many find it worth the investment.


Melanie Ann Layer’s Impact Academy offers a thorough and transformative program for coaches, entrepreneurs, and leaders aiming to make a significant impact. With its focus on personal development, business growth, and leadership skills, the course provides invaluable resources and support for achieving success. For those committed to elevating their personal and professional lives, the Impact Academy stands out as a powerful and worthwhile investment.


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