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Christine Gomolka – 30 Days to Paid

Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $17.00.

Download Christine Gomolka – 30 Days to Paid (230 B) in Mega Drive, Opt for Christine Gomolka’s 30 Days to Paid and embark on a journey promising skill enhancement and a definitive roadmap to freelance success. This is not just another course; it’s your ticket to freelance excellence. Let Christine guide you in forging a lucrative writing career in record time. This course offers more than education; it provides a transformative experience shaping your path to freelance mastery.


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Christine Gomolka – 30 Days to Paid

Christine Gomolka – 30 Days to Paid

Christine Gomolka’s 30 Days to Paid Course: Your Gateway to Freelance Excellence


Embark on a transformative 30-day journey with Christine Gomolka, designed to elevate aspiring writers into high-earning freelancers. Christine’s unique approach guarantees a path to lucrative success within a month. Here’s a glimpse into the key modules awaiting you in this comprehensive course.

Module 1: Your Freelance Roadmap

Discover a concise plan to navigate the freelance world. Christine’s structured guide ensures organizational clarity, transforming you into not just a writer but a sought-after freelancer. Dive into LinkedIn intricacies, unlocking its potential to connect you with top-tier clients.

Module 2: Strategic Niche Selection

Selecting a niche becomes seamless with this guided approach. Identify a profitable niche aligned with your passion and establish a strong online presence. This module empowers you not only to choose but also to position yourself as the go-to expert in your selected niche.

Module 3: Web Presence for Woo Clients

Craft a compelling writer’s website without tech hassles. This module simplifies the creation process and underscores essential elements that clients seek. Whether you’re a novice or seeking an upgrade, master the art of an impactful portfolio presentation.

Module 4: LinkedIn: The Goldmine

LinkedIn transcends being just a social platform; it’s a treasure trove for freelancers. Learn to polish your profile, attracting top-tier clients. This module equips you with strategies to reach out and solidify your position in client networks.

Module 5: Cold Pitches that Convert

Conquer cold-pitch apprehensions. Acquire the skill of crafting compelling messages that captivate and convert potential clients. With proven templates and effective follow-up tactics, you’ll not only grab attention but also secure contracts seamlessly.

BONUS Modules:

  1. Leveraging LinkedIn Job Postings: Master techniques to stand out in job applications and captivate recruiters.
  2. Quiet Confidence: Perfect the art of client discovery calls, even if you’re an introvert.
  3. Client Call Confidential: Gain insights into actual client interactions, absorbing strategies to enhance your freelance game.


Opt for Christine Gomolka’s 30 Days to Paid and embark on a journey promising skill enhancement and a definitive roadmap to freelance success. This is not just another course; it’s your ticket to freelance excellence. Let Christine guide you in forging a lucrative writing career in record time. This course offers more than education; it provides a transformative experience shaping your path to freelance mastery.

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